Monday, July 25, 2005

About our heart

Today is Sunday, and just like any other Sunday I went to church. But the priest seems like no other priest that lead the ceremony previously. It seems he is not come from our church, it ussually happens when my church’s priest is busy. So it isn’t so weird afterall. But the thing is this priest talking so loud, I think he woke up everybody that sleep in the church that afternoon hahaha.

Ok, but that isn’t the point afterall. It is about his speech. He talked about how we fill our heart. He asked do we fill our heart with kindness our hatred? Still nobody answered that…ok now he gave us an example, he asked do anybody remember what is the bible said last week? Damned, of course we don’t remember (including me hehe). Ok here it goes the second question, do you still remember your hatred to any of your enemy 15 years ago? Everybody certainly laughing.

Yeah we seems to fill our heart with those kind of feeling are we? Hatred, distrust, and so many other bad feeling that blackened our heart. So today…SMILE and fill your heart with something nice today J

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