Sunday, July 30, 2006

Finger pointing

Hi, i just went back from department gathering last night. A very enjoyable trip, it went very smooth and organized. I am proud to my staff who planned and execute the whole thing by themselves. It is nice to give our subordinates a responsibility, but surely we need to believe that they could do it. Without that belief then it would become an empty word of empowerment. Empowerment and control, a two word that must be balanced.
Ok now talking other stuff. We are talking about integrity last couple days. One of my college ask whether we dare to put our work and future for the sake of our integrity? Well this morning i read some sentences in the magazines that really are nice. It said 'true, i could have been fired, but jobs are easier to find than one's dignity once lost'
Nice sentence? Do you think this sentence is not making any sense? Well i tell you my opinion. I think this sentence although some people think too ideal, but it is true. Once you sell your soul to the devil then you shall never return. If you forgone your integrity then you shall never have them again. So starting now you better have your integrity with you all the time. Be responsible also to what you do or said or even think. Then you shall become a better person everyday.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rumah lagi

Duh urusan rumah yg dijual itu beneran bikin g bt dah. Hari ini sodara gue sms dng nada marah koq rumahnya yg dijual belon dipasang spanduk jual. Lho aku bagaimana tahu sih? Itu rumah nun jauh disana juga gitu. Aduh koq lama2 makan ati ya? Nih minta tolong apa nyuruh2 ya? Bt gue.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Mati lampu

Wek mati lampu neh, busyet begitu tergantungnya kita ama listrik. Let c komputer, ac, pompa air, lampu, wuih banyak tuh. Itu pula sebabnya gue pindahin meeting gue dari kantor ke s*******s.
Haha kalo tetap di kantor ga bisa meeting, otaknya melting kali ya? Kasihan juga sih anak buah gue karna mereka ga bisa mindahin lokasi kerja kayak kita.
Well berapa tergantung hidupmu dng listrik? Sangat gue rasa ya?


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Motivate ur employee by playing game

One article that i read in book called the truth about managing people said that to motivate ur employee is to make them feel the flow. What is that?
Flow is described as a feeling of joy of doing something. Doing it no long period of time and losing track of time is some of the characteristics. Well it just like playing game for a gamer.
If a gamer play the game they love, they could spend a lot of time just to finish it. And when its done then they will feel an overwhelming feeling of happiness.
The same with job. You have to design a job that will give a sense of flow. How? The job must challenging, goal oriented, have a feedback process in place and using high level of skill. Why using high level of skill required? So that it feel important enough and challenging enough.
Managing job is sometime like choosing the right game for a gamer to play isn't?


Indonesia win physics olympics

Yea it is being said in newspaper that indonesia win. Probably even win as the ultimate champion since one of the student achieve highest score. Wow this country do actually has something right? So pity that in this glorious moment we still stuck in corruption and unresolved natural disaster.
I do happy since i love education and i once join selection test for physics olympics. Well i did not make it ha ha ha. But as i take a look behind i realize that God have a plan for me. If i succeed that day, perhaps i will become a scientist. Well not to say that scientist is a bad one. But as a scientist perhaps i cannot do what i do best now. Some of us do feel disappoint if failure come over. But see failure is not the problem. The problem is the way you face it. If you behave right then it shall be a beginning for your victory. But if you keep complaining then perhaps it is your doom.
I once tell my friend that if you believe in God then you shall never worry. He do know what is best for us. More then we know. So believe Him. Have a nice weekend and never stop believing and no excuse please :)


Jual rumah yuk

Sodara gua mau jual rumah di lippo cikarang. Dari kemarennya ga kejual juga. Malam ini ngajakin gue ngobrol baiknya bagaimana. Ya gue sih ok aja bantuinnya,tapi yg bikin sebel sepupunya yg notabene harusnya lebih punya peranan malah nyantai aja. Dan gak mau terlibat malah. Lho gue jadi bingung,ini yg mau jual rumah gue apa mereka. Taukh deh haha, gue sih bantuin sebisanya aja lah. Ga dibantuin kasihan,tapi dibantuin banyak2 ntar nglunjak juga kali ya. Alias jadi ga mau usaha juga. Yah let it be aja deh. Good nite...


Saturday, July 15, 2006

No excuse

Just see opprah show. One of the topics is no excuse. It tell a story of a young man that has physical disability since he was born. His parent never threat him differently,so did his sibling. He do everything just like a normal kids does. He try american football and finally wrestling. After being defeated 35 times he finally master it. You can imagine a boy without any legs nor hand becoming a wrestler. He can even type 50 words a minutes. He write a book called no excuses. If we ever feel desperate with our problem and we want to scream for an excuse, then we must remember this guy. No excuses man!


Friday, July 14, 2006


I am in the middle of the class. Boring atmosphere is rising here, some of my frien already falling a sleep previously. The teacher ask us to do some exercise, but it seem no body do it :-) my friend chubby next to me keep complaining that she feel so sleepy ha ha ha what a boring class


Thursday, July 13, 2006

The maximum value of a man

Beberapa diskusi hari ini timbul pertanyaan sebenarnya seberapa jauh seorang manusia bisa mengembangkan dirinya. Menurut penelitian otak manusia bisa dikatakan unlimited. Some say that even you dead your brain capacity is not yet near full. But well we know that some people feel that their reach their ultimate capacity. They feel that even they learn more still they cannot errand their knowledges. What do you think? Do you think people do have limitations?

Indonesia dan olimpiade matematika

Well well…

Do you know what I found out in newspaper this morning…Ada headline yang menuliskan “Indonesia gagal menuju olimpiade matematika, Depdiknas (red:Departemen Pendidikan Nasional) diminta bertanggung jawab”. Wah gue pikir…apa hubungannya antara depdiknas dan kegagalan ini, bukannya mereka gagal ya biasa aja dong. Ternyata….mereka gagal bukan karena gagal bertanding, tapi gagal berangkat dalam arti yang sesungguhnya karena Depdiknas telat mengurus Visa mereka.

Wadoww.....parah banget ya ini negara? Udah banyak bencana alam, manusia juga berlomba lomba bikin bencana. Kita ikutan melakukan gak ya? Ayo kerja kerja…..

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Conceptual thinking

One of my friend ask today how to improve her conceptual thinking. I said that she can start by synthesizing. This done by look at daily activities,thinking what is the reason of people doing something. Finally put those principal that found on that case to what you do. Slowly but sure you will develop your conceptual thinking. What do you think?

Mobile blogging

This is my first trial on using my cellular phone to send a blog message