Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why do talented employees leave companies?

Early this year, Arun, an old friend who is a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing a specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer.

He had heard a lot about the CEO of this company, a charismatic man often quoted in the business press for his visionary attitude. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office, the very best technology, even a canteen that served superb food.

Twice Arun was sent abroad for training. "My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been," he said soon after he joined. "It's a real high working with such cutting edge technology." Last week, less ! than eight months after he joined, Arun walked out of the job. He has no other offer in hand but he said he couldn't take it anymore. Nor, apparently, could several other people in his department who
have also quit recently. The CEO is distressed about the high employee turnover. He's distressed about the money he's spent in training them. He's distressed because he can't figure out what happened.

Why did this talented employee leave despite a top salary? Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away. The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was
published in a book called First Break All The Rules. It came up with this surprising finding: If you're losing good people, look to their immediate supervisor. More than any other single reason, he is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he's the reason why they quit, taking their knowledge, experience and contacts with them. Often, straight to the competition. "People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. "So much money has been thrown at the challenge of keeping good people - in the form of better pay, better perks and better training - when, in the end, turnover is mostly a manager issue." If you have a turnover problem, look first to your managers. Are they driving people away?

Beyond a point, an employee's primary need has less to do with money, and more to do with how he's treated and how valued he feels. Much of this depends directly on the immediate manager. And yet, bad bosses seem to happen to good people everywhere. A Fortune magazine survey some years ago found that nearly 75 per cent of employees have suffered at the hands of difficult superiors. You can leave one job to find - you guessed it, another wolf in a pin-stripe suit in the next one.

Of all the workplace stressors, a bad boss is possibly the worst, directly impacting the emotional health and productivity of employees. Here are some all-too common tales from the battlefield: Dev, an engineer, still shudders as he recalls the almost daily firings his boss subjected him to, usually in front of his subordinates. His boss emasculated him with personal, insulting remarks. In the face of such rage, Dev completely lost the courage to speak up. But when he reached home depressed, he poured himself a few drinks, and magically, became as abusive as the boss himself. Only, it would come out on his wife and children. Not only was his work life in the doldrums, his marriage began
cracking up too.

Another employee Rajat recalls the Chinese torture his boss put him through after a minor disagreement. He cut him off completely. He bypassed him in any decision that needed to be taken. "He stopped sending me any papers or files," says Rajat. "It was humiliating sitting at an empty table. I knew nothing and no one told me anything." Unable to bear this corporate Siberia, he finally quit. HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find public humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave, but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he starts looking for another job. When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial

Dev says: "If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don't have your heart and soul in the job." Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, too nit-picky. But they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over seemingly trivial issue.

It isn't the 100th blow that knocks a good man down. It's the 99 that went before. And while it's true that people leave jobs for all kinds of reasons - for better opportunities or for circumstantial reasons, many who leave would have stayed - had it not been for one man constantly telling them, as Arun's boss did: "You are dispensable. I can find dozens like you."

While it seems like there are plenty of other fish especially in today's waters, consider for a moment the cost of losing a talented employee. There's the cost of finding a replacement. The cost of training the replacement. The cost of not having someone to do the job in the meantime. The loss of clients and contacts the person had with the industry. The loss of morale in co-workers. The loss of trade secrets this person may now share with others.

Plus, of course, the loss of the company's reputation. Every person who leaves a corporation then becomes its ambassador, for better or for worse. We all know of large IT companies that people would love to join and large television companies few want to go near. In both cases, formeremployees have left to tell their tales. "Any company trying to compete must figure out a way to engage the mind of every employee,"

Jack Welch of GE once said. Much of a company's value lies "between the ears of its employees". If it's bleeding talent, it's bleeding value. Unfortunately, many senior executives busy travelling the world, signing new deals and developing a vision for the company, have little idea of what may be going on at home. That deep within an organization that otherwise does all the right things, one man could be driving its best people away.


Garth Brooks - "The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself."

Monday, July 25, 2005


You know what…what is one of the hardest thing to get in this life? Integrity. It is what you are when nobody is watching you, when nobody is complaining if you break any rules, etc.

When that kinda situations happen what will you do? Will you break the rule? Will you doing something wrong just because nobody see you? Will you come late when nobody is care whether you are late or not? Will you take money / presents that a vendor offer you when nobody..I mean nobody see and realized that?

If you don’t, then you should be very happy because you got one of the most precious gift in the world, INTEGRITY J

Ask Yahoo! - Why is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open?

Dear Yahoo!:Why is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open?Kevin - El Monte, California

Dear Kevin:The received wisdom states that if you don't blink when you sneeze, your eyes will fly out of your head. Thankfully, as is often the case with urban legends, this theory is a load of hooey. Your eyeballs are safe and sound in their sockets. For a funny pictorial representation of this hypothetical scenario, check out this urban myth page from MTV.

In reality, a sneeze is simply an involuntary nervous response to nasal irritation. According to this nifty science blog entry, the sneeze impulse affects a variety of body parts, including the abdomen, chest, neck, and face. During a sneeze, the impulses that travel through your face cause your eyelids to blink. This response is entirely automatic. There's nothing you can do about it. Sneezing puts a lot of pressure on your head and respiratory system, so blinking is probably a protective mechanism.

The point is that all of these responses (the abdominal contraction, the sharp burst of air out of your lungs, the general lunging movement) are intertwined. When you sneeze, you can't do one without the other.

Quotes of d day

Thomas Jefferson - "If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it."

About our heart

Today is Sunday, and just like any other Sunday I went to church. But the priest seems like no other priest that lead the ceremony previously. It seems he is not come from our church, it ussually happens when my church’s priest is busy. So it isn’t so weird afterall. But the thing is this priest talking so loud, I think he woke up everybody that sleep in the church that afternoon hahaha.

Ok, but that isn’t the point afterall. It is about his speech. He talked about how we fill our heart. He asked do we fill our heart with kindness our hatred? Still nobody answered that…ok now he gave us an example, he asked do anybody remember what is the bible said last week? Damned, of course we don’t remember (including me hehe). Ok here it goes the second question, do you still remember your hatred to any of your enemy 15 years ago? Everybody certainly laughing.

Yeah we seems to fill our heart with those kind of feeling are we? Hatred, distrust, and so many other bad feeling that blackened our heart. So today…SMILE and fill your heart with something nice today J

My first Reader Digest - Personal finance for children

Yo..yesterday I just stop by in one of magazines stores, and having finished one of my book I try to find another stuff to read. Reader digest seems interesting to read, so I picked one. The magazines is already done by today, quite fast since the articles is kinda light. But many articles is interesting for me. One thing that interest me the most is how to teach finance to children. It’s something that always interesting for me, personal financial. There are 3 small things that you could do to teach personal finance to children :

1. Teach them and make them make their budget. Make it as easy as possible, but just make them do that.

2. Give them some kind of blank cheques, they could then used it to draw their budget.

3. Teach them to write down their expenses and together analyze it at the end of the month.

Is it to much to ask? If you think your children future is too much to ask, then it is. J

Friday, July 22, 2005

About reward - from my colleagues blogs

Rewarding Rules:
Rule #1:
If an employee expects it, it may no longer be viewed as a rewardMany employees now expect bonuses, company cars, cell phones, financial planning services, and great healthcare plans as part of the packages. They are no longer useful as special reward or recognition tools.

Rule #2:
Rewards need to match your employees' needs and wantsHow would you like to be recognized? Many managers wrongly asume that everyone likes or wants the same types of rewards and recognition. Ask your employees what kind of recognition or reward they most appreciate.

Ten Sentences That Will Help You Retain Your Best Employees
You really made a difference by.....
I'm impressed with...
You got my attention with....
You're doing top quality work on....
You're right on the mark with....
One of the things I enjoy most about you is...
You can be proud of yourself for...
We couldn't have done it without your...
What an effective way to...
You've made my day because of...

Be creative when you think of ways to recognize your employees. Here are some hints
#1. Time
Give an outstanding employee the afternoon off. Let another sleep late. Thank a whole team by giving them a Friday off. Let them decide when to use their gift of time.
#2. Toys
What toys might they want? A cappucino machine? A dart board in the lounge? A Volleyball court between buildings?
#3. Trophies and Trinkets
What small memento or trophy would be meaningful? It could be a customized plaque, a coffee cup inscribed with a personal thank-you note, or a refrigerator magnet with the perfect message.
#4. Opportunity
What special or unique opportunities might your employees want? The chance to be part of a steering committee or to give a presentation to the senior team? Choice about the next project or achance to learn something new?
5#. Fun
Would your employees like taking an outing on company time? Playing hooky together and going to a movie? Having spontaneous pizza party in the office some afternoon?
#6. Freedom
What kind of freedom might they want? Flextime? Freedom to work from home, to dress casually, to change the way they do some of the work? Freedom to work without supervision? Freedom to manage a budget?

Bottom Line
Over and over, research has told us that money is not the major key to keeping good people. People want recognition for work well done/ Asses your pay scale to be sure it's fair. Then praise your good people. Find creative ways to show your appreciation, and you will increase the odds of keeping them.

Prepare....for the critical mass

As my company prepare for ISO certification many of my colleagues preparing their procedures and documentation. At first I feel quite ease, since my department seems prepared. But watching others preparing so hard and spending enourmous time to prepare is affecting me. I become worry and start to look at my procedures and documentation once again.

So what do I learn from this experiences? It’s certainly not that ISO certification is hard (I think everybody know that already) but that environment affect our decision making (and so do everyone). So if you want to make your sub-ordinates do something that he/she doesn’t think it is important, then you need to raise his/her importancy…by creating an environment (quite large number of mass) that feel it is important.

In the other hand if you make a decision in an environment that small number of people that believe in your decision then you’re in trouble. This small number of people will be easily influenced by the large number of people that stand in the other side. So, keep your critical mass…..

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Formal vs Informal Leader

What do you think make a different between a formal and a non-formal leader? From educational point of view then it could be said that a formal leader have a certain power that informal leader don’t. It’s call structural power. Kind of power that exist because someone is given a certain position. But what do you think an informal leader has?

From many thing that an informal leader has I think one thing that interested is informal leader could hear and feel more. I think this is because somehow structural position creates somekind a barrier for subordinates to tell story, problems, etc. They’ll feel embarased, intimidated, etc when they have to speak to their structural leader. But since an informal leader is created naturally then they feel more secure to tell their problems and thoughts to them. So it is understandable that an informal leader could hear more.

Since this informal leader ussually don’t have different treatment from upper management then they will feel the same environment with the other team members. Let say that if the other team members doesn’t get additional holidays, then this informal leader ussually are not too. So they know exactly what the other team member feel. Is it a problem or not of course depend on each individual personality. But at least this will help.

So what do we learn here? It is not to always become an informal leader. Company need structural leader, and a formal leader have their own benefit though. So what we learn here is to mimics the good side of an informal leader :

-          Hear more. Hang out more with them. Make them know that really there is no different between you and them. Watch ugly movies with them, understand their reading, understand their song (even dangdut J)…just be with them. And sooner or later you will hear more.

-          Don’t use your structural power first, use your informal power more. In any events try to optimized the use of informal power, such as persuasions, and not order. By doing this I think they will feel you are more an informal leader rather than a formal leader.

-          Try to feel and think from they side. It is easy to say and so cliché but just look at yourself, it is really really difficult to do this. Do you think Rp 10.000 in salary adjustment really matter? Perhaps you don’t find Rp 10.000 is a significant number, even for your sub-ordinates. But believe me, what you think and feel is not the same with what they feel and think. For them perhaps those small number of many means so many. Put yourself in their shoes.

-          Another way to put yourself in their shoes is scheduled a social gathering in their house. Try to met their family, their house, their environment. This perhaps help you in understanding their demand, their request, their compaints, etc.

“A good leader is the one that make their followers die with a smile in their face” - Taiko

Do you care about Indonesian's children?

Do you ever realized how is Indonesian’s children so left behind in the matter of education? Today I found out that Microsoft develop an application called “Microsoft Students 2006”. It is an application that will help students (not Indonesia of course…) to do their homework, make their scientific presentations, etc. Then suddenly I realized, how much we are left behind. Many of Indonesian’s children is out there left without any proper education, even they go to elementary school for example it is realy not enough, the teacher, learning / teaching methods, books & material, facilities, etc.

So do you ever think how is you, your family, your friends, your companies, your religion, etc help to solved this out? I try J so just wish me luck on the programs that I try to invoke here in my company.

Remember what I write previously? We cannot do great things, but only small things with great love. Shall we?

Some words from Greatest CEO

Doronglah para pekerja anda, latih, beri perhatian dan jadikan mereka pemenang – J.W. (Bill) Marriot Jr. (Chaiman JW Marriot Corp.)

Jika seseorang berbisnis hanya untuk menghasilkan uang, biasanya ia tidak akan berhasil – Joyce Clyde Hall (Founder Hallmark Cards, Inc.)

Satu – satunya letak kata ’berhasil’ ditempatkan sebelum kata ’kerja’ adalah di dalam kamus – Donald Kendall (Ex. Chairman PepsiCo)

Seseorang yang senantiasa menyesuaikan dirinya dengan orang lain akan segera kehilangan jati dirinya sendiri – Charles Schwab (Ex. President Bethelem Steel)

Jenius adalah 1% inspirasi, 99% keringat – Thomas Alfa Edison

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Small things is not that bad....

We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)

This quotes just appear in my mind last night, I suddenly realized that how many time we keep trying to go great things in life. But sometimes we just don’t realized that also so many times we give up, just because we think it is not big enough. How many times you decide not to give a donation to someone just because you think that your donation is rather to small? Everytime we think of that just remember the quotes above. We are not meant to be do great things, only many many and many small things that we could do with great love.

Quotes of the day

Bernard M. Baruch - "Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and efficient tool. Know your own failings, passions, and prejudices so you can separate them from what you see."


Monday, July 11, 2005

IT Governance Frameworks at A Glance


(1=narrowest, 5 widdest)







Six Sigma






Focus on continuous improvement







Deals directly with software development processes







Deals directly with IT Infrastructure and service management & IT operations quality issues







An audit-oriented set of IT guidelines, practices and controls







Geared towards reducing operational, business and IT risks







Focused on service quality from a customer’s or end-user’s view point







Taken from MIS Magazines April 2005


Other pics

My hobby

One of my hobby is photography...just started, but here's some of my photos

Learning Loyalty

The days when people wanted to work for one company all their lives are long over, but an organization can secire the loyalty of their employees if they take the following steps (by Lauren Keller Johnson) :

1.       Align employee career growth with company goals

Managers need to help their people identify links between their own professional goals and the company goals. See larger business context = more easily define ways to advance their own career.

2.       Tailor any job to include variety and autonomy

Provide them variety and the freedom to make decisions and mistakes. These will engender extensive loyalty.

3.       Focus on relationship

The #1 reason people leave an organization isn’t inadequate pay or benefits, but it’s day-to-day relationship with their immediate superior. Create positive bonds.

4.       Link employees values and the company mission

Quotes of the month

The business units are the warlords, but the IT department is the emperor” – MIS Magazines

Link marketing with fanaticsm

I read about how Major Baseball League sold more than 1M cell phone wallpapers, ringtones and other downloadable contents. So what drives this activity? I think it how we connect between marketing and fanaticsm. If someone is so fanatics about something then he/she will dress-up all his/her life with the things related to their fanaticsm. So if we could associates out products with something that have a fanatics customer (let say sports team, music player, etc) then we could get instant promotions there…there is money there J in a way that we don’t even ever think before.

Vision & implementation

I read an articles today about changes in IS department in Toyota. I think it is interesting so I write it down :

1. Start with vision – Th new CIO start with a vision and then tell it to the other members. Some are interested to the new approach and some are not. But the key is in the socialization process.

2. Implement vision – Vision is not a words placed in the wall in Toyota IS Dept. The new CIO build a team consist of 8 person. This team responsible to translate this vision into actionable items. They called this team Toyota Value Action Program.

This 2 things is really important when you are setting vision. Great vision required great actions and implementations. Without one of it, it will be useless and questionable by all of the team member.

Elements of Well-Being That could be influenced by managers & employees

  1. I know what is expected of me at work
  2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right
  3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best eveyday
  4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work
  5. My supervisor or someone at work seems to care about me as a person
  6. There is someone at work who encourages my development
  7. At work, my opinion seem to count
  8. The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important
  9. My associates (fellow employees) are committed to doing quality work
  10. I have a best friend at work
  11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress
  12. This last year I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow

Copyrighted by the Gallup Organization – More on : Gallup Whitepaper

Smart Minerva

Smart Minerva

Survey Finds Seven Factors That Drive Employee Commitment

One of the major outcomes of a recent Watson Wyatt Survey, WorkUSA 2000, was the identification of seven key factors that drive employee commitment. The top rated factors were all quite similar in ranking, but together the list provides a useful list to consider in any company's efforts to improve worker commitment.

Trust and Skills come out on top

Employees rated trust in senior leadership and the chance to use their skills on the job as the two most important drivers of employee commitment, followed by job security and receiving a competitive compensation package.

Key Drivers of Employee Commitment (percent impact of each factor)

Trust in senior leadership


Chance to use skills on the job


Job security


Competitiveness of rewards


Quality of company?s products/services


Absence of work-related stress


Honesty and integrity of company?s business conduct


All other factors


"Employee commitment used to equate with old-fashioned loyalty to a career employer," observed Pfau. "But today?s mobile workers look for an employer of choice ? one they can be proud to work for and whose leadership they trust. This sense of trust in senior leadership is really a key factor in commitment ? which is a key factor in creating economic value for the organization."

More on : http://www.vault.com/nr/newsmain.jsp?nr_page=3&ch_id=402&article_id=51306&cat_id=1123

Vision & Action

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." – Japanese proverb

Friday, July 08, 2005

Quotes of the day....

Horace Mann  - "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity."

Carefull with recruitment

Just come to my thought that everytime we do recruitment we wanted the best right? From their personality, their GPA, their capabilities and skill….

But remember this is not come for free. You need to have a very good recruitment process, very good renumeration, very good training and development program and not but not least great and challenging working environment. Each of this aspects is cost. But if you do not have this aspects, then it means even greater cost for you.

How come? Without these aspects then you will potentially have : some mediocre employees, high employee turn over, decrerasing or flattening employee capabilities, dull working environment that kill creativity and speed. The cost for that? Even greater…..

Do or do not, there is no try (Master Yoda) – so do and have the best, or don’t. Or you will end-up in cross road all the time.

Love 'Em or Lose 'Em #3

The third part of this book talk about Career. The point is you must not afraid to talk about your sub-ordinates career. What is the opportunity that available for them in your company.

Start with digging their capabilities and skill. After that talk about opportunity that are available. Then you must talk about options that are available to fulfill their career, training & apprenticeship perhaps?

You need to ensure them that even they don’t have the capabilities or the opportunity is not available at the moment but the path is there. Make them believe that you also have concern regarding to their life.

Remember that people doesn’t leave the company, but leave their manager…..

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Alkisah pada suatu hari, diadakan sebuah pesta emas peringatan 50 tahun

pernikahan sepasang kakek -nenek. Pasangan kakek-nenek ini dikenal sangat rukun, tidak pernah terdengar oleh siapapun bahkan pihak keluarga mengenai berita mereka perang mulut. Pasangan tersebut merupakan gambaran sebuah keluarga yang sangat ideal.

Disela-sela acara makan malam yang telah tersedia, pasangan yang merayakan peringatan ulang tahun pernikahan mereka ini pun terlihat masih sangat

romantis. Di meja makan, telah tersedia hidangan ikan yang sangat

menggiurkan yang merupakan kegemaran pasangan tersebut. Sang kakek pun,

pertama kali melayani sang nenek dengan mengambil kepala ikan dan

memberikannya kepada sang nenek, kemudian mengambil sisa ikan tersebut

untuknya sendiri.

Sang nenek berkata kepada sang kakek: "Suamiku, kita telah melewati 50 tahun bahtera pernikahan kita. Ketika engkau memutuskan untuk melamarku,aku memutuskan untuk hidup bersamamu dan menerima dengan segala kekurangan yang ada untuk hidup sengsara denganmu walaupun aku tahu waktu itu kondisi keuangan-mu pas-pasan. Aku menerima hal tersebut karena aku sangat mencintaimu. Sejak awal pernikahan kita,ketika kita mendapatkan keberuntungan untuk dapat menyantap hidangan  ikan, engkau selalu hanya memberiku kepala ikan yang sebetulnya sangat tidak aku suka,

namun aku tetap menerimanya dengan mengabaikan ketidaksukaanku tersebut

karena aku ingin membahagiakanmu.

Aku tidak pernah lagi menikmati daging ikan yang sangat aku suka selama

Masa pernikahan kita. Sekarangpun, setelah kita berkecukupan, engkau tetap

memberiku hidangan kepala ikan ini. Aku sangat kecewa, suamiku. Aku

tidak tahan lagi untuk mengungkapkan hal ini."

Sang kakek pun terkejut dan bersedihlah hatinya mendengarkan penuturan

Sang nenek. Akhirnya, sang kakek pun menjawab: "Istriku, ketika engkau memutuskan untuk menikah denganku, aku sangat bahagia dan aku pun bertekad untuk selalu membahagiakanmu dengan memberikan yang terbaik untukmu. Sejujurnya, hidangan kepala ikan ini adalah hidangan yang sangat aku suka. Namun, aku selalu menyisihkan hidangan kepala ikan ini untukmu, karena aku ingin memberikan yang terbaik bagimu. Semenjak menikah denganmu, tidak pernah lagi aku menikmati hidangan kepala ikan yang sangat aku suka itu. Aku hanya bisa menikmati daging ikan yang tidak aku suka karena banyak tulangnya itu. Aku minta maaf, istriku."

Mendengar hal tersebut, sang nenek pun menangis. Merekapun akhirnya

berpelukan. Percakapan pasangan ini didengar oleh sebagian undangan yang

hadir sehingga akhirnya merekapun ikut terharu.


Jangan sok baik hati memberikan apa yang kamu suka pada orang lain, belum tentu diterima sebagai niat baik he...he...he....becanda lho

Lessons learned:

* Niat baik saja tidak cukup kalau tidak dikomunikasikan dengan baik karena bisa disalah artikan.

* Walaupun sudah lama bersama-sama dan mengenal satu sama lain ternyata sulit mengetahui isi hati orang lain. Wah...lha ini yang mengerikan ....

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Lesson from "Uncommon Practices" book

This is a book that tell a story about many companies that are so good but their practices is also so uncommon. What do we learn?

1.       Their leaders are profoundly customer-centric.

2.       The customer experience, the brand and the strategy are inseparable

3.       Companies must simultaneously excel at customer intimacy, operational excellence and product leadership

4.       The customer experience and the employee experience are inextricably linked

5.       Human resource practices support the customer experience

6.       Deliver a branded customer experience

7.       The branded customer experience should not be compromised in the interest of short-term profit

8.       Companies zealously acquire and use customer knowledge

9.       Customer not always right. Hired good employee, they will take care your customers. It is better to focus on the drivers of profit rather than the profit itself. External and internal communication have the same importancy. Hiring right and training right is important, but hiring right is more important. Advertising and promotions probably not the fastest way to build a brand – word of mouth marketing, high-profile PR and bold and imaginative products / services are. Investing in the “soft stuff” is not wasting of time. You are not necessarily should hire the best MBAs you could find.

Another earthquake...

6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Indonesia (AP)

AP - A magnitude-6.7 earthquake rocked a large swath of Indonesia's Sumatra Island on Tuesday, shaking buildings and causing panic, witnesses and meteorological officials said. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.


Here it goes…another signs?... L

Become an ordinary man

This night I came to one of my family wedding, not a close relatives, but I know her sister quite well…

This wedding have 2 things that interest me, one is it was so simple and humble. No fancy clothes, no “gubuk” (a small place where special food is served), no amazing pictures, etc. So simple. But this simple wedding bring me memory where simplicity is a key for successful life. When we go to work, where everybody wear fancy clothes, drive a car, etc then we suddenly want to have all of this thing. We become consumtives. May be is time to look at myself and improve myself for not being so consumtives.

The second thing that interest me is that how close is the situations, how family is gather together and talk happily. How great is the positive energy affecting one another…create a positives environment. Remember what Aa Gym said : 3M – “Mulai dari diri sendiri, Mulai dari yang kecil, Mulai saat ini juga”.

Have a nice day J

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Give us support, not sympathy, Africa tells West (Reuters)

That the headline in the reuters this morning….:) funny how we sometimes already feel helpful for others. But sadly we only give sympathy, not support…action, don’t just keep talking.

Thinking Big..or small ?

Today I have a discussion with my bosses…the discussion run pretty well, quite interesting although it is not very fruitfull though. But there are 2 things that I learn today. Hopefully I could learn from this:

  1. When you are in the position like them there is no doubt that you are an exceptional manager. Ussually you are smart and have a strong persistent. But sometimes, just sometimes, this will not always bring good thing for you. See, you become rigid, un-flexible, pesimistic and cannot see whether you are good or bad. So, when you are at their position, sometimes you need to look at really carefully of what you are arguing. When you are so persistent with yourself just like you handle a problem, supplier or customer, then there is an opportunity that you become a blind man. You cannot see whether you are already good. So ask your sub-ordinates whether you are good enough in some specific point. Improving and learning is the only way we could survive right? If we keep thinking with in-the-box problem definition, then we get in-the-box solutions. Einstein once said that “It is a stupid thing hoping that we get a different result by doing the same thing”. Change the way we think, change the way we see the problem, may be your sub-ordinates or peers have an interesting view to try.
  2. The other thing is, sometimes when we get more mature then we simply forget many small thing that we ussually do. We think so big, it reach the sky, forgetting that there are many things that we still could do in earth. Big thing is a good one, but small thing is also great. See, thinking to have a major projects to improve employee proudness for example is great, but this kinda efforts required carefull planning, many resources and time. So why don’t we start with many small things? Greeting, talking, communication, recognized, talk more about family, talk more about them (employee), join their discussion (although sometimes like spend time for nothing), playing with them, laugh with them, etc. ?

So 2 things that I learn from today is that many times we need to look down, back to earth, and then back again soar to the sky. Remember the story of “Back to Frontline” program in Virgin Atlantics, where a manager one day in a year do a supervisor jobs just to remember how it feel to be a supervisor? Look at the other opinion without persistent & look down. Journey to terra incognita is a dangerous and full of risk, but that’s how they found America….and later on build USA.


Check my blogs at : http://smartminerva.blogspot.com/


Monday, July 04, 2005

Quotes of the day.....

Mahatma Gandhi

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."


Friday, July 01, 2005

Quotes #1

"Do or do not. There is no try." – Master Yoda

Natural disaster...is it a sign?

Well if you watch television, especially news, and read newspaper then you must see that so many natural disaster happened right now. What do you think? Is it a sign from God to back to His hand?

No matter what this signed for, just be nice, be good…there is nothing wrong with that right?