Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Being a proud employee #2

Some thought just pop up into my mind so I try to write it down before I forget…


Just yesterday I have a class, it is about Organizational Behaviour. It is a very interesting topics, but yesterday it become even more interesting since one of the lecturer come from a well-known corporate, Toyota. Toyota is one of a big company in the world focusing on manufacturing automobiles. From its scale no wonder that they have such a strong Human Resources policy and method. It is also no wonder that their employee is so proud they could be one of their team members.


But something more interesting just recently pop up into my mind. The lecturer is a manager in Toyota, she has already worked there around 16 years before she get the position that she held right now. It is a tremendous time compare to what we have in our company. In Toyota someone has spend minimum 5 years before he/she get promoted into managerial position. And 5 years not only just an easy day-to-day working, but a busy day, full of training and improvement.


Compare it to our company that 5 years of busy day-to-day work with some “in-adequate” training and self-improvement will send someone to become a senior manager. Proud to become a senior manager? The answer is yes if the capabilities that could be show is comparable with other senior manager that come from dimilar industry. But it could become a blunder if the person that we give this title is not ready yet. Some of my friend could not stand with a straight-head in front of the other manager, just because they feel they not deserve their manager title. They’re to young, knows nothing, etc. So where is the proud now? No proud, even sometimes they downgrade their own title when introduce themselves to the other. Their title is manager, but when introduce themselves they pronounced that they are an officer.


Funny isn’t? How a procedure to give a title could impact so much for the proud of an employee? My thought is that a title should be given only and only to them that deserve that title. Someone who could really show up their capabilities in managing themselves, managing their tasks and most important managing people. Someone who feel proud for what they are. All of these because they know exactly that what they are today is not given, but they fight for it. And it is not easy, it is full of tears and blood, but they feel that the they deserve to have the title.


This could be achieved not only by themselves, but most important of all is that company need to help their employee to achieve this satisfaction. Company should help their employee in the long journey to become a great manager, a star. Training and development need to be carefully planned. Rewards need to be given wisely. Encouregement need to be placed where it belongs. Many things….but remember that title must not be given so easily…..make your employee proud for what they are.


Anonymous said...

Mengapa kamu merasa mantap bahwa dari sisi manage task, manager muda kita mampu penuhi, sedangkan dari sisi manage diri sendiri dan manage people kamu tidak yakin hanya karena kita kurang beri mereka proper training? Menurut pendapat saya orang yang mau belajar tidak menunggu sampai disuruh ikutan training.

Belajar manage diri sendiri bisa dimulai sejak masih remaja dengan mengatur waktu belajar dan main, setelah kuliah membagi waktu untuk organisasi dg waktu belajar dan waktu untuk pacaran he..he....

Manage people bisa dikembangkan waktu mulai ikutan organisasi, sejak jadi anggota biasa sampai jadi ketua. Itu sebabnya biasanya waktu seleksi MT perlu diperhatikan juga keaktifan di organisasi. Saya lihat keseimbangan pengembangan dirinya. Kalau IPK 3,9, tapi kurang gaul saya suka pikir-pikir lagi. Mendingan ambil yg IPK 3,3 tapi aktif organisasi.

Menurut pengalaman saya belajar itu tidak harus secara formal / dikelas. Apa karena dikelas dibahas maka orang belajar lebih cepat dibandingkan kalau orang mengamati / mempelajari kasus orang lain? Pengalaman saya sih tidak begitu. Sering pembahasan dikelas garing dan saya tidak mendapat apa-apa sehingga mengambilan kesimpulan sendiri.

Seringkali belajar lewat pengalaman langsung praktek atau mengamati pengalaman orang lain membuat kita lebih cepat pintar karena kondisinya lebih riil.

Kalau perusahaan memfasilitasi pengembangan leader mungkin saja (bukan pasti lho) hasilnya lebih baik dibandingkan tidak ada program pengembangan sama sekali.

Anonymous said...

Hem mengenai manage task kenapa saya bilang bisa penuhi...karena ada prosedur dan segala macam lalu mereka bisa atur pekerjaan dan task sesuai dengan kebiasaan dan prosedur yang ada. Improve disini, improve disana dan jadilah manage task. Easier...

Manage self lebih sulit....datang tidak terlambat agar bisa menjadi contoh buat anak buahnya. Apakah semua manager tahu bahwa datang lebih pagi dibanding anak buahnya akan memiliki dampak yang positif bagi anak buahnya? Yup..I think so, but even so cukup banyak juga yang tidak melakukan ini karena malas bangun pagi, dsb.

Manage people, waduh ini nih biangnya...manage people include bagaimana motivate, bagaimana visioning, bagaimana memberikan reward dan recognition, dll. Ini bagian yang buat saya sekalipun saya masih banyak melihat bagaimana role model saya melakukannya dan belajar dari sana.

Dunia kerja tidaklah sesimple dunia kampus. Dunia kampus orang bekerja dengan sukarela dan antusiasme tertentu, dunia kerja? Tidak sesimple itu, ada banyak emosi terlibat, ada banyak kepentingan terlibat, ada banyak orang terlibat. So pengalaman berorganisasi membantu, tapi tidaklah menjadi ultimate.

Training hanya sarana, organisasi hanya sarana (saya termasuk orang yang jarang berorganisasi haha karena introvert), semuanya hanya sarana...semua kembali ke diri sendiri. Satu hal yang membuat saya tergugah start cukup lama...waktu saya kuliah, waktu itu ada yang bicara bahwa umur bukanlah penentu pengalaman seseorang. Orang akan dinilai pengalamannya dari berapa banyak yang dia pelajari dari waktu ke waktu. So 1 jam yang sama bisa berbeda banyak dari segi pengalaman yang diperoleh...ada satu orang yang dapat 1 kg pengalaman, ada yang 100 kg, ada yang 1 ton.