Friday, June 24, 2005

Love 'Em or Lose 'Em #2 - Buck

Buck – You are matter.

Survey / Research shows that people don’t leave organization, they leave their managers. It is not everybody fault if one of your employee left the company, it is mostly your fault as their manager. A good boss who cares about keeping good employees will help them find what they want from their workplace.

It is true that it is not managers responsibility alone, senior management, organization’s policies, system and culture also have impacts. But managers still have the greatest power (and responsibility) for keeping your talented employees. As a manager for managers, it is also your responsibility to make sure your managers knows that they have the ultimate responsibility to keep their sub-ordinates.

Try as hard as you could, implement as many as possible 26 strategies in this books to keep your best employee to stay. You’re matter.

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