Sunday, July 13, 2008


Walahar is a small-medium size dam near Jakarta. East Kerawang to be more precise. Getting to this beautiful place is quite easy, exit from Cikampek Highway in East Kerawang. Turn right and go straight until you see Texmaco billboard on the right. This dam built by the netherland government long time ago.

I'm not that lucky, so when I got there the water level is a bit low, it doesn't flew. But I got a photograph that I like. I hope you enjoy it.

Canon 40D | Canon EF-S 17-55 f2.8 IS @ 17mm | Velbon CX 560 Tripod | Remote Switch
f11 | 0.3 seconds | Hoya CPL Filter | Hitech 0.6 Soft Gradual ND Filter | Hyperfocal distance technique is used
Photoshop for Raw processing, saturation, noise removal, a minor burning & dodging

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