Unfortunately I don't bring my GND Filter (more on : SinghRay or Cokin), so the dynamic range is hard to catch. That's why I use Adobe photoshop to do a manual HDR (High Dynamic Range : a technique to blend a different exposure level to get an optimum dynamic range). I get the sky around -2 stop lower, while the nearby swamp around +1/3 EV.
I use f4 as the apperture, more because I also don't bring my tripod to support my camera. That's why I need a quite "fast" shutter speed, unless I want my picture shake.
Anyway this is the result :

Canon 350D | Canon EF-S 17-55mm f2.8 IS @ 17mm
f4 | 1/40 sec's | ISO 800 | Handhold - leaned again the wall
HDR using Adobe photoshop | Layering is used in this picture
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bagus banget hasilnya....love it!!!!
Thanks 4 d comment Tiara
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