Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge and experience to any given situation.

Wisdom is the something that enables us to use knowledge rightly.

Wisdom resists group pressures, thinks for itself, and is reconciled to the use of its own judgment.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have; everyone has to buy wisdom on the installment plan.

The person who thinks he knows everything has a lot to learn!

Thomas A. Edison made the comment, “We do not know one millionth part of one percent about anything. We do not know what water is. We do not know what light is. We do not know what electricity is. We do not know what gravity is. We do not know anything about magnetism. We have a lot of hypotheses, but that is all.”

Wisdom is making the best use of knowledge. Develop the ability of discernment. The effective leader has the insight needed for any given situation.

One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.

(Diambil dari buku “The Ten Laws of Leadership” buah karya Bill Newman)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Take it ?

Imagine you are in the middle if a recruitment, you have one open position. But in front of you there are more than one person that qualified. Let say you have 2 persons that are very good, smart, honest, and every other aspects that you required. Are you going to take them both, or you still insist to take only one?

For me, I shall take both of them if I’m sure that there will be a position available after he/she finished his/her training. That’s why I try to create turnover equation…L it haven’t finished yet though…wanna help me?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Camping in Cilember...

Went camping last's some of the pics

Running water...classics huh?
But for me...IS COOL !! :)

A flower & dragonfly in butterfly cage near the camping ground

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

How to ensure that your employee do feedback

How do you (as an organization) sure that your employee do feedback, feedback to their subordinates, their peers, their manager? Since if you don’t sure then it’s useless to have great feedback system, say 360 degree feedback system. Still it’s not being used?

So one thing for sure is to embed the control system into the feedback system itself. I do this using attendance form and feedback form itself. I’m sure you familiar with attendance form? It is usefull to track whether the feedback is being held or not, and how long does it takes. But it’s useless to track down the content of the feedback itself.

So what I do is to make the feedback material early before the feedback sessions begin. This long essay regarding performance, culture, etc issues is wrote down there long before the sessions. It have 2 purposes : to make the conversation focus so that there are nothing left behind and as a documentation. This is really important so that the content of the feedback sessions could be held accountable. Of course the content is confidential, but if audit is required then the documentations is ready.

One last thing is commitments. IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT…spend time (not just a minutes or hours) to think & to write the feedback itself. Spend even more time to listen, talk, and respons for the feedback. And spend time to take action for the feedback that you acquired. “Walk the talk” is important. And remember the Great Wall of China is not build in one day, so does your trust and system.

Have a nice feedback J

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My PFA Program

Long time since my last essay…see I start to create another “charity” program in my department. It’s call Personal Finance Aid (PFA) Program. This is a small and simple program to educate all my staff about how to maintain their personal finance. Including banking, budgeting, loan, assets, etc.

At the first time I don’t think the support will be mediocre, but suprisingly the reactions from the crowd is great J. I even have to make faster since everybody so anxious to hear more. So I make it from once a week to twice a week. The whole program will be finished in about 1 month.

It’s really glad to help them learn about finance and accounting in personal perspective. I hope this program will help them managing their financial issues. Cheerssssss