Hi, i just went back from department gathering last night. A very enjoyable trip, it went very smooth and organized. I am proud to my staff who planned and execute the whole thing by themselves. It is nice to give our subordinates a responsibility, but surely we need to believe that they could do it. Without that belief then it would become an empty word of empowerment. Empowerment and control, a two word that must be balanced.
Ok now talking other stuff. We are talking about integrity last couple days. One of my college ask whether we dare to put our work and future for the sake of our integrity? Well this morning i read some sentences in the magazines that really are nice. It said 'true, i could have been fired, but jobs are easier to find than one's dignity once lost'
Nice sentence? Do you think this sentence is not making any sense? Well i tell you my opinion. I think this sentence although some people think too ideal, but it is true. Once you sell your soul to the devil then you shall never return. If you forgone your integrity then you shall never have them again. So starting now you better have your integrity with you all the time. Be responsible also to what you do or said or even think. Then you shall become a better person everyday.